Ashkenazim Son gDNA

SKU: CC-SID-000004 Category:

Product Description

These products are ideal for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) workflows. In particular:
– Validation and development of sequencing protocols (e.g. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Amplicon Sequencing) and PCR protocols
– Calibration and development of instruments and workflows in DNA processing (e.g. DNA fragmentation via acoustic shearing, enzymatic digestion or sonication)
– Analyze the performance of your NGS pipeline by comparing to freely available datasets

Unit Size:
5 µg

50 ng/µl

Tris-EDTA (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA), pH 8,0

2-8 °C

stable for 24 months from date of manufacture (as supplied)

Quality control

Allelic Frequency:
Next Generation Sequencing

UV-Vis Spectrophotometry (NIST-reference method)

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Technical background

Derived from:
cell line GM24385 (HG002- NA24385 – huAA53E0)

– lot specific sequencing files: LOT Search
– High-confidence variant calls:
– Raw datasets and bam files, currently including 10X Genomics, BioNano, Complete Genomics regular and LFR, 300x Illumina paired-end, Illumina 6kb mate-pair, 1000x Ion exome, custom moleculo libraries, ~0.05x Oxford Nanopore, and 70x/30x/30x PacBio:

Indications: For Research Use Only

Manufactured by: SensID GmbH

Product documentation, such as certificates of analysis, and additional technical support is available directly from the manufacturer of this product. Click the link below to visit their website.

Documents and Support for this product at SensID

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